XNews user migrating to UE 3.4

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XNews user migrating to UE 3.4

Post by lkvee »

I've been fiddling around with UE 3.4 for a few days.

I would love to replicate functionality I've enjoyed with XNews, but can't seem to replicate all of it.

I am able to start loading headers starting with the oldest ones by going to Newsgroups > Properties > Default Headers per Server (Range) to All. I want to load a specific number of headers starting with the oldest set, read them, catch up, and then load the next of headers (with a number of headers of my choice). I'm currently getting all headers, from the oldest to the newest, in one task. I'd like to change that. I know I can just cancel the task, but I need to time the download.

When I "catch up", I am left with articles I have read, and to get rid of them, I would have to purge headers and threads (Ctrl-Del). XNews idea of "Catch Up" does both with F8. Is there a form of "Catch Up" that also purges headers and threads?

In Xnews, I can tag any articles of interest by hitting the space bar, and those articles get a Queue number. I can either put the headers in the XNews general Queue or put them in custom queue I have either will create or have already created. These files have .qdr and .mbx extensions in Windows. If the custom queue is already created, then the headers are appended the ones already in that custom queue.

I'm having trouble tagging chunks of articles for later activity. The closest functionality to custom queue files would export headers to an NZB file. I *am* presuming that if another NZB already existed, and writing functions would overwrite instead of append.

Any thoughts on making my transition away from Xnews smoooooother?

Thanks for reading!
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Re: XNews user migrating to UE 3.4

Post by alex »

I'm not sure about catch up, since it was implemented so long time ago, I'm not sure someone is using the feature.

You can just select all headers and invoke "delete headers&threads", then it should remember deleted threads.

As to custom queue - in UE you can mark for download with different priority, a priority and below can be defined as "download later priority" in edit menu->properties->tasks, marked for later download articles can be suspended in tasks menu->suspend article tasks marked for later download, the setting persists through launches.
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