Please help.

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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:14 pm

Please help.

Post by Cybersage »

> Hello, my name is Doug. How can I help you?

Cybersage Hello, I am recieveing error 400 "too many connections", but I have my reader set to five (which is less than six). It seems to be able to run only one task at a time
Cybersage Cybersage is my user name

rlynch Ok, it sounds like there are some ghost connections on our server. If you would close your newsreader for 10-15 minutes and then reconnect.

Cybersage alright, I will give it a try

rlynch Ok, have a good night.

Cybersage thanks, you to. (im going to idle until its up and running)

rlynch ok.


Cybersage Restarted my newsreader, and so far it has completed one task. now its just getting error 423 "no such article in group", and I was just articles that were dated before that

Cybersage hasnt*\

Cybersage Funny seems to be working, off and on. just had a little spurt, then it stopped again

Cybersage Now im getting the 400 error, too many connections

rlynch Are you using newsbin?

Cybersage no

rlynch What news reader are you using?

Cybersage newspro

Cybersage ive never had problems like this before.

rlynch That news reader has issues when it looks for articles that arent there. It keeps looking for them and never closes the connection.

Cybersage and have been using newspro for several months to a year

Cybersage hmm, so its my newsreader then?

rlynch We dont have a way to reset connections anymore. The only way to fix that is to close it our for 10-15 minutes. Try xnews. It is a lot easier on our servers. Expecially since our engineers have been and will be running tests all day

rlynch Not completely. But with xnews you wont have to close the reader for 10-15 minutes because of 400 too many connections.

Cybersage are you familar with newspro.

Cybersage ?

rlynch Not really. But that is a known issue with those two readers

Cybersage which two readers? newsbin, and newspro

rlynch yes

dont know if this is true, but it is really putting a damper on my newsgroup downloading. By the way Im using usenetserver, if it helps.

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