Search service has stopped working - config inconsistant

03 Oct 23: One server was relocated, the server currently doesn't have a public IP address since in the meantime it is running on starlink. I wrote some additional tunnel code running separately to handle this. When the server is engaged the connection is 5600+ days uniform (since around 24 July 2008). In the unlikely case I disengaged the server because of some problem the retention is 1200-3800 days depending on newsgroup. If you experience any issue please let me know.

29 Nov 23: Because of encrypted and obfuscated posts flood mass posted by a few nzb indexing websites using usenet servers as private storage for their members to download the posts - the situation with the content is pretty chaotic since their purpose is to post in such a way, so users must use their website exclusively, when the website disappears - the encrypted posts just eat usenet providers' hard disk space uselessly. If you can't find something specific please let me know at alexbirj at gmail dot com what exactly you can't find for me to check how it is possible to retain the posts. Non-obfuscated posts shouldn't be affected at all, let me know if you notice anything missing.

29 Nov 23: The search protocol had to be upgraded to extend 3 byte (16M+) limit on the server side for number of sets per instance, so at least the version 5.8.3 is needed to access it, otherwise should be no any difference.

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Search service has stopped working - config inconsistant

Post by ShaggyDragon »

Hi there,

Search has been working great up until a week or 10 days ago. Now when I search it says that the configuration has changed and it's downloading the new configuration. This message appears for 20 secs or so, then "Search failed. Search service is inconsistent. Try a bit later, maybe a server rearrangement is in progress." This message has been appearing ever since.

I'm using UE in the UAE where it's common for ISPs to block certain ports - has there been a port change?

Hope you can help,

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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

no, here all is working ok and the configuration is set properly.

if you reset the configuration (properties->general->import/search->reset configuration) it is not able to download configuration at all?

i've sent you a pm for a workaround, if it doesn't work then an older configuration page is cached somewhere, to resolve that you could try to access search service once through a proxy (contact me if you don't have one, i'll give you temporary access, the proxy should be set in properties->proxies->search service, then it will use the same proxy to retrieve the configuration).

if something may be cached on your computer by i don't know what program (but it cannot be e.g. internet explorer, since UE retrieves the page with the configuration details directly) just reset the cache.

but if it is some kind of ISP filtering you suspect is the case updating configuration through a SOCKS proxy should do the trick.
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Post by ShaggyDragon »

Hi Alex,

Started getting that same error again. Tried Reseting Configuration, but no luck. Any ideas?

Posts: 4515
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

same problem, you have the page cached somewhere, not so far.

i changed configuration for couple of days to allow server upgrade, i changed it back yesterday.

i think the following can work (actually it was hinted to in the last line of my old reply):

you can use proxy feature, find some public proxy for example and enable local proxy (properties->proxies).

proxies you can get from here:

those mostly http, find working one in internet explorer, you need to be able to browse after entering the proxy (check port responds in telnet first).

if local proxy is enabled UE first tries use it to access the page, then if fails it tries without proxy.

the behaviour doesn't depend on "search service" topmost entry in the proxies pane newsgroup list, the entry for search accesses only, what matters for updating configuraions or checking for updates since both are reading web page from the UE website - is local proxy setting only.

this way you most likely will be able to bypass the caching wherever it is.
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