[REQ] Change settings of a server per newsgroup

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[REQ] Change settings of a server per newsgroup

Post by Guest »

I would very much like to see that newspro can edit server settings on a per newsgroup base.

Ex: for very large groups, i enable supress get headers on a server, but on smaller groups i do would like these headers. If servers settings can be edited per group, newspro would be even greater !

Ex: Sometimes you would set the retention on a group to 1-2 days and sometimes on very small groups you set them to natural. If this can be done NOT only for a newsgroup but also for an individual server, one can really finetune anything.
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Post by alex »

you can just detach servers from newsgroups you don't want to download headers from.

you can set retention for a server in properties->server, it will override newsgroup retentions, the meaning here you keep everything natural but some server has unusually large retention so you just change it for the server only. otherwise the newsgroup retention or last headers setting seems to be adequate.

Post by Guest »

I know what you mean but that is not really what i meant. I would like to see this because than every server can be edited per newsgroup. Ex: i want alt.binaries.cracks to get everything from all servers (its a small group) while i set the retention for alt.binaries.nl to 1-2 days.

ALSO: i set up easynews with the supress get headers on on, i do not want it to get the headers on BIG groups, but i would like to get all headers on small groups. Now i have to manually configure the servers settings on a.b.cracks to get ALL headers, and when it's done i have to uncgeck the supress get headers when i go to a.binaries.nl.

Because i cannot change the server settings PER newsgroup i have to do some tweaking everytime i go to this setup because i cannot do it on a newsgroup based setting. I have more newsgroups that works this way.

Basically: sometimes i need to check the supress get headers and sometimes i need to uncheck it for some newsgroups if this can be done per newsgroup i only setup this once and no more configuring anymore

Post by Guest »

one other thing i forgot to mention: i could detach a server from a newsgroup but this is not what i want because i do want this server to kick in with msg-id direct enabled. So removing the server is also not an option
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Post by alex »

msg-id direct doesn't depend on the attached servers (partly since in practical terms it doesn't incur significant overhead), so your last assumption is incorrect.

Post by Guest »

I did not know this, i thought this is only with xpat groups. isn't it so that in normal groups, when you delete a server, this server is not used even with msg-id direct on enabled ?. i was under the assumption that if a server is removed from a group, this server does not kick in.

I hope you understand what i was suggesting, that if server settings can be edited per newsgroup, i can do more things with it without the need to configure it everytime a want to with a certain group.

My example is that i want to get all available headers from all servers in small groups while in big groups, i like to set some servers to: supress getting headers enabled. If i can do this when newspro remembers every server setting per newsgroup, you have complete control of everything!

This cannot be done with retention only on newsgroups, or on a server based setting, cause i like to work with different settings on some newsgroups.
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Post by blackdog56 »

You will be redundant getting all headers available from all servers in small groups as well. If your servers are good enough that they work with msg-id direct .. you only need to get them once.. small group or big group.

Post by Guest »

thats the point....some server are NOT good enough thats why on small groups i like to setup my servers that have BIG retention in such a way that it downloads all headers... while in big groups i supress getting headers on these servers cause when i do let newspro get these headers it takes a long time because it has great retention on these servers.

I could make one default setting.... but thats the point... i need to fintune these server settings per newsgroup.
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Post by edfreeman »

I'm unclear as to why there's a big difference in the number of daily headers for your good/complete servers vs the bad/small servers. The idea behind msg-id-direct seems to be that if you have a good quality server (for completion/retention, etc) like Newshosting, EN, GN, that doesn't count headers against your download limits, you'd get the headers from that server, and set the others to msg-id-direct and (probably) higher priority. The good server would likely have most all of the headers posted that day, and the msg-id-direct would check your other servers (most likely, the cheaper bulk servers) for any message bodies (or attached files) so that you wouldn't use up the limit on the good server.

On a daily basis, there shouldn't be a large difference in the new headers for a given day between the good and bad servers. Newspro only gets the new headers, those posted since the last time you got new headers. The good server would have some more pieces, but on the whole, the difference should be negligible. No matter what, the right thing to do is to get the headers from the most complete server.

Post by Guest »

Forget it.... i understand your settings, but thats not how i want it to work, i so not use easynews to get these headers because if i do, most headers will be retrieved from EN and NOT my other servers because theur retention is much much lower. I retrieve my headers from the lower retention servers and use EN as a backup server, this way i do not exceed my 6 Gig limit. If i do it reversed like you said, my 6gig limit it not enough.

With my usenetserver account and my own isp account, i get good completion at all groups with 4 days retention on big groups. Thats why i want different seetings for servers (like DO get headers from EN on small groups like abc) while on bigger groups, i supress getting headers on EN for the reason i explained above.
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Post by blackdog56 »

I am also confused because you are talking about 2 different things. Retrieving headers will be done from ALL servers except those marked for "suppress get headers". Once you have headers, then you decide which ones you want to download.

It seems to me that you will get the effect that you want, by setting low retention for the large groups, (equal to about what all the servers except EN have, ie 4 days). If you do that then EN will be getting the same headers within less than 4 days as the rest of servers. Then you set large retention for the small groups.

I guess most of the Newpro users have some variation of servers and newsgroups that you have, and have found a way to set it up to what they need. So I am sure if this does not satisfy your needs, someone may have an answer.
Posts: 55
Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2003 11:15 pm

Post by edfreeman »

Guest, as I know it, EN does not count headers against your download limits. They're also likely the fastest of your servers. And, they shouldn't be getting many more new headers each day than the other servers. They should get a few more, though, since their completion should be better than all.

Their retention should not result in more headers per day once you are up to date. Getting new headers won't cause Newspro to get all the old ones over and over, it will only get the new ones.
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