[REQ] Some new shortcut keys

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[REQ] Some new shortcut keys

Post by murgoob »

Hi. I was a long time Forte Agent user, until about 2 months ago when my news service announced that their news server software didnt like Forte Agent and suggested I use Newspro.. So i switched.. And I really like Newspro.
I miss a few things that I had gotten used to in Agent.

1. A shortcut key to move to the next newsgroup with unread messages
(for example, I'll open a newsgroup and read all the messages there, then when i get to the bottom, i have to close the newsgroup i'm in, click over to the newsgroup list, remember which newsgroup i had just read in the list, find the next one down and open it.) Agent did this all with the "S" key.

2. While in full article view (not the split window) have a shortcut key to move to the next unread article that has a body. ("N" in Agent) Or just the next article... the only thing close is F5/F6, but that only works in split view.

I understand that agent is not newspro. I just thought those shortcut keys were helpful. Newspro is still by far, better than agent.
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Post by murgoob »

Trying out some different configurations..
If i move the split window really high, then i can read each article and press F5/F6 and move between article (as long as i dont double click the article.. let it stay in the split window)

that works ok i guess.. it still goes to messages that dont have bodies, but thats easy to fix, just hit the spacebar and retieve it.

havnt found a workaround for the Close Current Newsgroup + Open Next Newsgroup part yet.
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Post by alex »

This are shortcuts from the help file (the rest as well as some of these are shown in menus)

Ctrl-T Task manager (show/hide)
Ctrl-F Find dialog
Ctrl-S Selection dialog
Ctrl-B Bookmark dialog
Ctrl-N Newsgroups and servers window
Ctrl-L Newsgroup list window
Ctrl-G Get new headers
Ctrl-P Post article
Ctrl-W Window list

Newsgroup Window
(see the context menu in the newsgroup window for more)
Enter Show article/Download and show article

Space Download article
Esc Cancel downloading/Clear error mark
F3/F4 Find downward/upward the last search pattern
Del Delete article body/Delete header
Ctrl+C Copy subject/newsgroup name to the clipboard
Ctrl+Z Restore deleted headers/Hide deleted headers
Shift+Space Enable/disable threads
Ctrl+Space Enable/disable auto-partial support

Article Window
(see the context menu in the article window for more)

Esc Close window
F3/F4 Find downward/upward the last search pattern

Newsgroup/Article Split Window
Tab Switch focus between the header list and the article view in the split window
Alt+Space Split/Unsplit newsgroup window
Alt + Up/Down/PgUp/PgDown/Home/End/Left/Right Moving in the newsgroup/article pane with the focus in the article/newsgroup pane
F5/F6 Moving in the newsgroup pane with preserving the focus

Ctrl+F5/F6 Next/Previous thread or header without replies with preserving the focus
Alt+Ctrl + Up/Down/PgUp/PgDown/Home/End Moving splitter
F11/F12 Moving in the newsgroup pane among messages with bodies with preserving the focus
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Post by alex »

As to the next newsgroups - you can open several newsgroups at a time, you'll see the opened newsgroups with the 'open book' icon in the newsgroups pane of the workspace window. It is difficult to perceive which is the next newsgroup.

The one newsgroup at a time (single window) model seems to be less useful, the tendency also is the size of monitor screens increase and with larger resolutions opening several newsgroup windows is a desirable property although maybe the current Ctrl+W window open dialog could be rethought.
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Post by murgoob »

i know about the shortcut keys already implemented (at least those in the help file and on the website)

I dont see one in there that will move from the current newsgroup to the next newsgroup on the list. Maybe its worded different or somthing.

Not a big deal. :-) Just an idea.

I've got a list of like 20 newsgroups i actively read. I'll start at the top and read what i want from the first.. Sometimes halfway through I'll get tired of the newsgroup topic, and wish to move on to the next newsgroup on the list. To do that, I have to close the current window, do a ALT+SHIFT+W to get my newsgroup list and doubleclick the next one on the list. Sometimes I forget which newsgroup i was just in and end up opening up the same newsgroup i had just closed.

Thanks for the prompt response though. Thats cool!
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Post by alex »

so you mean the next newsgroup in the workspace window order.
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Post by murgoob »

i see what you mean if someone had several newsgroup windos open at once. that makes a much more complicated thing..

dont worry about it.
instead of closing the open newsgroup, i'll CTRL+SHIFT+W and look for the one with the "Open Book" icon. then open the next one and close the previous one.. that'll do the trick

thanks again for the speedy response!
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Post by Tha*Lunat!k »

What you could do is just highlight the newsgroups you are planning to read, right-click and choose "Open & Get New Headers", then read each one and close it when you're done. This way you end up with all of the groups open that you plan to read and they're getting new headers (if they're text groups headers will be fast). When you finish reading one you close it and the rest are still open and ready to be reviewed. You'll know when you've read 'em all cuz there won't be any more open :)

Also, so long as you're not in a reply window where you can type in text, Ctrl-Tab will shift between open windows.
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Post by murgoob »

Good Idea! I'll try that
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Post by kheldar01 »

Interested thread.
I printed all to have a list of some of short cut keys always ready to use :) .
Btw is there a complete list of all shortcut keys of newspro somewhere? (I'll prefer a printable version)
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